7 Habits to take up in 2015


With the new year comes an onslaught of new diets to cater for those looking to lose weight or get fit and healthy for the new year. But this year, rather than set a new year’s resolution that is too hard to maintain, try working on some small changes to your diet and lifestyle that can be gradually introduced and maintained long-term.

Here’s 7 habits to introduce:

-Cook more meals from scratch at home
-Increase vegetable intake
-Drink more water and replace other beverages with water
-Increase dietary fibre intake
-Reduce meal portion sizes and fill up your plate with low kilojoule vegetables
-Make healthier meal and snack choices, eat more real wholefoods and eat less processed and refined foods
-Start up an exercise routine and sit less

How to do this? My next few posts will focus on each of these habits.

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