7 Tips for Enjoying Dessert Guilt-Free

Young hungry gluttonous woman eating pie, isolated on white

Dessert has gotten a bad rap but despite this we still eat it. This is because often dessert is quite indulgent high in both fat and sugar. It also tastes great when can make it easy to overeat…

But simply deciding to never eat dessert again is likely something that isn’t going to stick long-term, and why should it when we get so much enjoyment from having the occasional dessert.

When it comes to dessert though, too much too often can impact our waistline and health so moderation is key. Here’s some tips to keep in mind when having dessert:

  • Have a small portion size: desserts are often high in kilojoules / calories, fat and sugar so keep the portion small
  • If out and the portion size is large, share.
  • Have something healthy for dessert e.g. baked apples & pears, fruit salad, yoghurt etc
  • Limit dessert to only a few times a week not everyday (unless its something healthy but consider the additional kilojoules / calories if having it after a full meal)
  • If you are out at a function, try and avoid loading your dessert plate up with numerous different cakes / sweets. Just choose a small piece of one or two you really like the look of or cut up a few and share. You really don’t need to try all the sweets out, you will get to eat dessert again another day and often the kilojoules aren’t worth the taste.
  • If indulging in a dessert, only have a dessert you really want that will really hit the spot. There is no point having a dessert you don’t feel like eating for the sake of eating dessert – you will be disappointed and want something else (= double the kilojoules)
  • Really take the time to enjoy and savour your dessert. There is no point eating something indulgent but eating it so fast that you barely remember eating it. Take the time to really taste it and acknowledge that you are eating it. Make it worth the calories!

Overall, if you are going to have dessert, keep the portion small, have it in moderation and most of all – ENJOY IT!


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