While we know fat is high in kilojoules, our primary concern should not be to avoid them at all costs but rather to choose the best types and control our portion size. Healthy fats are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats which are found in nuts, seeds, avocado, fatty (omega 3) fish, olive oil etc. They are an essential part of our diet. Yes I said essential! They are essential for many reasons e.g. the body uses them for vitamin absorption, for our cell membranes and reducing the risk of a number of health conditions like heart disease. In fact more recent studies are showing that a handful of nuts a day over 30 years may even reduce the risk of death from all causes by 20%!
But that’s not all, nuts, seeds and avocado contain a variety of different vitamins and minerals, some protein and are also high in fibre e.g. almonds, flaxseeds and chia seeds. Fatty fish e.g. salmon, fresh tuna, mackerel and herring are not only a good source of protein but also contain the essential omega 3 fats that many of us don’t get enough of in our diet.
So don’t be afraid to eat some healthy fat each day, I have them everyday.
Top tips
- Choose raw and unsalted nuts – these are more fresh, less likely to be rancid, don’t have added fats and sodium.
- Control portion size – while extremely healthy, they are still a kilojoule/calorie provider!
- Have as snacks – try a handful of raw nuts, tin of salmon or a dip made from avocado
- Add to meals and recipes – You can add seeds, nuts, avocado or salmon to a salad or use to make a recipe snack e.g. try my Lindt Chocolate Bliss Balls or Chia Pudding with Dates & Almonds recipe