Eggplant Sandwich Anyone?

Eggplant Sandwich

Have you ever needed or wanted bread but didn’t have any or was on a weight loss plan that limited it?

Then try using grilled eggplant instead! Slice it about 3/4 of a centimetre thick and grill it on a grill or sandwich press (I use my flat surface Breville sandwich press) until it just softens (I added a little salt & pepper for taste). Then top with your favourite sandwich toppings! Pictured was my lunch yesterday with hummus, salad and eggs.

Some reasons where this could be handy:

  1. You ran out of bread at home
  2. You are making sandwiches for lunch and have a gluten-free guest coming but no gluten-free bread
  3. You work in a restaurant that has sandwiches on the menu but no gluten-free bread to serve anyone that needs to avoid gluten
  4. You are on a weight loss plan that limits the amount of bread you can have
  5. You are trying to cut down on your carbohydrate and kilojoule intake at some meals
  6. You want to increase your vegetable intake

Whatever your reason, it tastes great, is good for you and helps you increase your vegetable intake – so give it a try!


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