Herbs & Spices

Herbs and spices

There are so many different herbs and spices with amazing flavours. Use them to flavour meals, snacks and desserts, make them into a tea or even infuse oil with them.

At home, we grow a lot of our own herbs. We don’t spray any pesticides on them so they are organic really. If you can, I recommend you start your own herb garden. It has advantages of being fresh and available when you need them. It’s also a lot cheaper than buying them regularly.

Great herbs to grow are oregano, basil, mint, parsley, rosemary, thyme, sage, coriander, tarragon etc. Plant them in the ground or in a big pot and don’t forget to water them especially in Summer!

Look out for them in my recipes as I often use them to flavour both sweet and savoury food.

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