Move More, Sit Less

Move More Sit Less Infographic

Love this infographic from the Australian Heart Foundation showing how easy it is to spend most of our day sitting…Unless you have a very active job, it can be easy to fall into this trap. I am conscious that I need to move more during the day too. I am sitting as I write this and have been for most of the morning! So easy to do.

Research is showing that if we spend most of our day sitting, we are at increased risk of some of the chronic health conditions such as heart disease, and early mortality. And this is still the case even if we include some exercise but then spend most of the day sitting. Don’t let that stop you from doing some scheduled exercise though (something is better than nothing!)

So find ways to get moving more in your day e.g.:

  • Have a walking meeting at work
  • Catch up with a friend for a walk
  • Walk while you talk on the phone
  • Have a walk during your lunch break
  • Park the car further and walk etc
  • Take the stairs to the 6th floor of your building rather than the lift
  • Offer to be the office coffee slave and go for a walk to get the coffees (fresh air, a moment away from work and exercise!)

Can you find more ways to move more and sit less in your day?

If you need some tips, read this article by the Australian Heart Foundation:

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